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Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Quality Metal Roofing
Torch-on Roofing Felt

Ceresit CT88 Express - White Foam for Filling Gaps 750ml

Ceresit CT88 Express - White Foam for Filling Gaps 750ml
Ceresit CT88 Express - White Foam for Filling Gaps 750ml
£15.54 inc VAT
  • Product Code: U3495
  • Stock:In stock, 1-2 days
  • Model: CT88

Ceresit CT88 Express - White Foam for Filling Gaps 750ml

Ceresit CT88 Express 


- Filling gaps between EPS and XPS polystyrene boards

- Filling cavities - damage to EPS and XPS boards in the layer

insulating insulation system.

- Adhesive replenishment in the existing insulation


- ideal for filling loses and gaps in the insulation layer of insulation systems based on EPS and XPS polystyrene boards

- enhanced thermal insulation properties

- CT 88 has thermal insulation properties similar to insulation materials such as polystyrene foam or wool

- low-pressure

- easy to use

- snow-white colour

Substrate Preparation:

The filled gaps between insulation boards or losses in insulation boards should be free of dust and loose fragments of insulation material. When used at reduced temperatures, they must not be covered with frost, ice or snow.