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Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Ceresit - Complete EWI Systems
Quality Metal Roofing
Torch-on Roofing Felt

100mm Isover Spacesaver Insulation Roll

100mm Isover Spacesaver Insulation Roll
100mm Isover Spacesaver Insulation Roll
  • Product Code: U1285
  • Stock:1 - 2 days
  • Model: 100mm

100mm Isover Spacesaver Insulation Roll

The Spacesaver insulation is a glass mineral wool roll for pitched roof joist applications. The strong resilient and flexible rolls are pre-preforated to fit between common joist spacing. The rolls are now supplied 33% longer for speed of installation and are suitable for 'cold roof' applications in both new-build and renovation projects. Rolls are installed in at least two layers, the first between the joists and the subsequent layers laid over the joists.


  • Thermal conductivity of 0.044W/mK
  • Non-combustable
  • Recycled content
  • Corresponds to the BRE Global Green Guide
  • Summary rating of A+ within the Domesic, Health, Industrial, Commerical, Retail and Education categories